
Secular Shows Are The Places I’m Supposed To Perform, Not In Church – Brother Sammy


Gospel singer, Brother Sammy says he is supposed to perform at non-Christian events to introduce sinners to God.

Speaking to JoyNews, the singer explained that his frequenting secular events, to the extent of performing on such stages, is right because the church already knows God.

The musician says he is just extending the gospel outside the religious confines.

“These are the places I am supposed to be because my God told me He came because of sinners. Although we are all sinners, these are the kind of places I should be bringing the gospel and not the church,” the singer said.

Brother Sammy explained further that “the church people know God already so, I have to introduce my God to people, that is why I frequently go to places like this”.

When asked about how he takes backlash from the audience and fellow gospel colleagues who frown upon his performances at secular events and lifestyle, the singer said, “even my Lord Jesus was backlashed so I don’t care and I know what I am doing.”

“If you don’t like me, I do not come to you for money, I feed myself,” he said in response to criticism from his colleagues in the gospel field.

According to him, he doesn’t heed to backlash nor take it personal because nobody feeds him nor supports him financially.

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